Application & Network Security

Securing The Software That Your Business Depends On & Protecting The Data Your Business Relies On.

We Conduct Intensive Testing & Reporting.

Security Reporting

Penetration Testing

Vulnerability Testing

We Secure Your Applications

We pride ourselves on delivering application security solutions and services for today’s software-driven businesses. VNK Consulting Group assesses and improves the security of applications from inception through production so that businesses can confidently utilize web and mobile application strategies to improve business flow and customer experience. We’ve worked with the most security centric agencies and know from experience strong security.

Questions About Cyber Security?

Call us today to find out how we provide your applications & network with Rigorous Security Testing to find where your weak spots are.

Find Out How

Nearly 80% of applications written for the web contain at least one vulnerability on initial assessment.

Web and mobile applications account for more than a third of data breaches.

Attacks at the application layer are growing by more than 25% annually.

Our Approach
With a strategic combination of automation, process and infrastructure, we seamlessly integrate application

security into the software lifecycle, thereby eliminating vulnerabilities during the lowest-cost point of the development process, and blocking threats while in production. Our comprehensive solution is managed by our security experts and stems from a powerful combination
of best-in-class technology.